January 9, 2014

Well, here we are,  already 9 days into the New Year, and just when you thought you were all celebrated out, sick of over eating, and had decided now may be a good time to cut down the alcohol intake and get healthy,  Australia Day comes around ! So let’s just delay those good intentions for a couple of weeks ! And celebrate with family & friends. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, we have flags and bunting banners from $2 or  if you prefer, hats , wigs and novelty glasses from $2.99,  and so much more. And don’t forget all your BBQ needs, Party plates, cups , foil trays ect… we have it all. Why not get in early, and order your Helium Balloons now so you don’t miss out. Either way, have a great Australia Day on the 26th !   Cheers all